Earlier this year I was contacted by Stacey to submit images and a short article which was subsequently published in her digital monthly online zine issue 3.
I am also excited to learn I have been selected from her talented group of artists and photographers to be included in her first printed publication, Gold Edition!
I would encourage all photographers who are reading this post to consider contacting Stacey with their work for future publications. Below is a recent excerpt from her website calling for submissions.
THE VISION: Each month we will set a theme, it will be displayed in the pretty banner, and all through that month everybody is invited to share articles, pictures, photos, how-to’s, reviews, movies, music… everything…
Then once there is enough content and demand, a print issue will be published, with the most popular posts included. These will be decided by the number of comments on the post, along with a couple of wildcards.
If we use something you sent in (and wrote, this doesn’t count if we interview you) in the print issue, we pay you $30 NZ via Paypal. ~Stacey Childs
So get involved and email stacey @ discounderworld.com to contribute something or to find out more visit her at http://www.discounderworld.com.