Recently I came across an interesting statistic regarding the voluminous number of pictures uploaded to the top image warehouses across the web.
ImageShack appears to be in the lead with a reported 20 billion images, followed by Facebook with over 15 billion, Photobucket 7 billion and Flickr with over 3 billion. Who can comprehend such numbers as these??
I know statistics never lie, only reporters of statistics do, but I have no reason to doubt these figures. I researched several sites and found only a relatively small percentage difference in all the data, plus or minus a few hundred million.
With all the images to be viewed, one must certainly be discriminating when going through all of the selections we have at our fingertips.
I enjoy viewing photographer's images marked as "Favorites", both on Flickr and JPG magazine. You can discover some of the most interesting works under this topic. I believe the images photographers select as "favorites" helps in filtering through this selection process for a shortcut in time management.
"StumbleUpon" is also a good filter in helping to find the very best in high quality digital images on the web. You make category selections and "Stumble Thru" your way in discovering some of the most fantastic photography!
“Your photography is a record of your living, for anyone who really sees.” ~Paul Strand