Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Year's Resolutions Statistics

Statistically, even the most thought out and sincere New Years' resolutions fail. It does appear that the younger you are, the more likely you are to achieve your resolutions. 39% of those in their twenties achieve their resolutions opposed to less than 15% of those over 50, according to Belonging to the latter category, I am making an extra effort to succeed with all the photography goals I have set  for the year 2010.

At the top of this list, I have committed to increase the number of my digital images to prints. I created a  portfolio years ago from my film negatives but have added only a relatively small number of new images since I started shooting digital in 2006. Many of the printed enlargements I've made within the past few years I have given away without making any back up prints.  My thinking has been I'll always have the digital file and will one day make the additional prints necessary to compliment my portfolio. But I rarely reprint these images.

Another resolution I've already begun is to reorganize all of my work including the deletion of images I should have already. This is not easy, as many of my images are spread across multiple disks, cd's, dvd's, online storage, etc. This is not the most enjoyable task and is time consuming but liberating and I have already seen the effects this discipline has produced. As Florida has been experiencing unusual cold temperatures it has been a great excuse to stay inside!

Hope everyone has gotten a good jump into the new year and happy shooting to all!